I hope all of you and yours are well, safe, and happy. I think of my fun fan club often and have tried to think of how we can continue to paint together, but since my talent is for hands on help, it seems out of the question in current times. I see some paint classes online, but there has to be some plan for people to have supplies, and some way for a teacher to show how to do something. It seems impossible to me in watercolor.
So, I'm spending my time trying to come up with more fun class ideas for the future. I've been asked for a simpler cactus, and also for flowers. I spend a lot of time (and paper) planing paintings that are success oriented for beginners to ensure a fun class and happy students.
I'm attaching a couple of ideas in progress.
Thank you for your continued interest. I see activity on my site and know that you all must be as stir crazy as I am. Email me if you would just enjoy some contact. Take care! -- Kathy
